

Amaranth millet (Rajgira)

Amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), often referred to as amaranth millet, is a pseudocereal that has gained recognition in India for its exceptional nutritional value and versatility.

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Browntop millet (Makra)

Browntop millet, scientifically known as Urochloa ramosa, is a warm-season grass from the Poaceae family. It is widely grown for its nutritious seeds, which are

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Kodo millet (Kodra)

Kodo millet, originally from tropical Africa, is thought to have been cultivated in India some 3000 years ago. The kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum) is widely

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Barnyard millet (Sanwa)

Millets, small seeded grasses, are highly nutritious and even outperform basic cereals like rice and wheat in many nutrients. These provide essential nutrients such as

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Finger millet (Ragi)

Ragi, also known as finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.), is widely grown in India. This millet, known as Koracan in Sri Lanka and by many

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Foxtail millet (Kangni)

Foxtail millet, scientifically known as Setaria italica L., is an ancient cereal crop that holds significant importance in India, particularly in the context of sustainable

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Pearl millet (Bajra)

Pearl millet, scientifically known as (Pennisetum glaucum (L.), is a crucial cereal crop in India, recognized for its resilience and nutritional value. It is believed

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Little millet (kutki)

Little millet, scientifically known as Panicum sumatrense, is a minor cereal crop that is gaining recognition for its nutritional value and adaptability. Originating in the

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Proso millet (cheena)

Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), a notable minor millet in the Gramineae family, is an annual monocotyledonous grass. Archaeological evidence indicates that it was first domesticated

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